Anxiety Therapy

Are you an over thinker?
Is Anxiety getting in your way?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with things that are happening in your life? Is anxiety getting in the way of you enjoying your life? Are you avoiding doing things because of your anxiety?

Are you having panic attacks? Are you worried about having another panic attack? 

We have extensive experience helping people with their anxiety. We use a variety of techniques that have been scientifically proven to combat anxiety, including cognitive behavioral therapy and gradual exposure.

We can help you understand your anxiety and learn how to manage your anxiety.

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What are anxiety disorders?
Anxious man
Generalized Anxiety Disorder

If you have high levels of anxiety, anxiety about a variety of things, for a period of at least six months, you should consider being evaluated for generalized anxiety disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder can be treated through therapy.

Panic attacks and Panic Disorder

Panic attacks may feel like you are having a heart attack, have difficulty breathing, feel as if someone is sitting on your chest, heart palpitations, numbness, and/or tingling. Sometimes this can even occur in your sleep and wake you up. It can even get so disabling that you may be afraid to leave your home.

Panic attacks may feel like you are having a heart attack, have difficulty breathing, feel as if someone is sitting on your chest, heart palpitations, numbness, and/or tingling. Sometimes this can even occur in your sleep and wake you up. It can even get so disabling that you may be afraid to leave your home.

Panic Attack
How will I know if I need help?
Ask yourself the following questions. Yes answers should be discussed with your therapist.
  • Are you feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge?
  • Do you have difficulty controlling your worry?
  • Are you worrying about a lot of different things?
  • Do you have trouble relaxing?
  • Are you restless?
  • Are you noticing you are losing your patience, annoyed, or irritable?
  • Are you worried about the future?